Also, tickets to all Knights of Columbus events are sold at
Grand Knight: Tom Rinaldi
Knights of Columbus Council 8771, of Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church, have resolved to recognize eleven (11) well-deserving youth of our community on their path to a higher education with a $2,000 scholarship.
The winners will be notified by the Grand Knight and the scholarships will be presented at our Officer Installation Banquet in June 2024. The winners and their families will be the guests at this event.
Eligibility Requirements
The Columbian Squires is an international youth fraternity run by the Knights of Columbus for Catholic boys between the ages of 10 and 18. The Squires is designed to develop young men as leaders who understand their Catholic religion, who have a strong commitment to the Church and who are ready, willing and capable of patterning their lives after the Youth Christ. The Squires program strives to provide the spiritual, cultural, civic, social and physical improvement of its members and the development of their leadership qualities. Membership is based upon initiations.
Come be part of Christ the Redeemer's Columbian Squires and change the world!
The Squires Motto: Esto Dignus! Be Worthy!