Thank you for serving as a ministry/group leader at Christ the Redeemer! This page contains resources to help navigate ministry leadership at our parish. If you have any questions or want to see additional resources on this page, please contact us at [email protected].
You can promote your ministry through our parish's main communication channels by submitting content to Communications Director Carrie Taylor at [email protected]. Please ensure your staff liaison has first approved all submissions. Not sure who your staff liaison is? Let us know at [email protected].
Please help ensure your ministry webpage is up to date! Send all web updates, including new pictures you would like to post, to [email protected].
When to submit: At your earliest convenience!
What to submit: Photos or video clips from ministry events and activities. These kinds of posts get the most attention from our audience and are a great way to promote your ministry and attract new members.
Stay in touch with the Stewardship Office and learn happenings from other groups and ministries through the MinistryConnection Flocknote newsletter. As a ministry leader, you are automatically added to this Flocknote group.
Please share the information you receive with your members!
As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace. Romans 12:5-6.
When your ministry needs resources, funding or support for a program/event, please contact the Stewardship Office first. Through discussion and planning, we can assist and help groups reach successful outcomes for their ministry goals.
CtR operates on an annual stewardship cycle from August to July. All ministry fundraisers must be communicated to the Stewardship Office to be added to our calendar.
New ministry fundraising programs or events first need to be submitted to the Stewardship Office at least six months in advance and require approval from the pastor. Calendaring for existing ministry fundraising events need to be submitted annually to the Parish Office and Stewardship Office for scheduling and review.
Please note that the parish schedules and mindfully promotes fundraising events and programs throughout the year as to create a careful balance of the many asks of our parishioners.
Fundraising results related to programs and initiatives led by ministries and the Stewardship Office are communicated as soon as all results are satisfactorily inputted, and shared in the parish annual report and other communications.
The parish prepares the annual event and fundraising calendar every Spring. Ministry leaders submit dates using a Calendar Scheduling Sheet (sample linked below) to their staff liaison. The staff liaison approves and submits events to the official calendar. Staff liaisons provide updated scheduling sheets every January.
Room set-up requests must also be submitted for calendar scheduling. If a set-up is not ready to be submitted until closer to the event, please send it at least 48 to 72 hours before the event and copy your staff liaison as well as Lili Morales, [email protected].
Not sure who your staff liaison is? Contact us at [email protected].
Sample Calendar Scheduling Sheet
The computer cart is a mobile system that is stationed in designated Parish Office classrooms. They are designed to accommodate ministries' multimedia and meeting needs in the Parish Office classrooms. The cart has a computer with both Microsoft Office and meeting applications installed for users to leverage their content and conduct their meetings. All carts have an HDMI video cable, which plugs into the HDMI wall panels of our Parish Office classrooms in order to use the projector in the room. For detailed instructions, please refer to the documentation provided. If you have any questions or would like a walk-through regarding the carts, please send a request to your staff liaison.
MUCK Instructions