Christine Marté is a lifelong musician and longtime participant of music ministries and more here at CtR.
Christine has been in Houston with her husband and three children for over 25 years. She quickly joined the choir when she arrived in Houston in 1993. Then, the choir had only about five singers – now it has about 50. She became a cantor and later sang with the Contemporary Ensemble. She has been blessed to be able to participate in Archdiocesan choirs, including the Co-cathedral Dedication Choir, singing in Rome with the Festival Choir when Daniel Cardinal DiNardo was elevated to Cardinal, and singing at Carnegie Hall with the Archdiocesan Choir.
In 2000, Christine joined the parish pastoral staff to work for the CtR Prep School, now the Genesis Early Childhood Program. She transitioned to Music Assistant several years later.
As the Music Assistant, Christine takes care of the choirs, which includes making sure they have their music, coordinating the cantors, working with the Choristers and Youth Singers, and working with and corresponding with parents. Christine also creates the weekly worship aids for mass as well as the online worship aid for the livestream. As a CtR parishioner, she serves as a Baptism cantor and lector at weekend masses.
Christine lives near CtR and has been married to her husband, Andre, since 1985. They have three children together and several grandchildren.